Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

Food and Climate Change

Climate Change is one of the main points of interests when trying to work on our current sustainabilty challenges. For the reason I am very interested in informing people on various matters, concerning their behaviour towards sustainability, I worked during a course for information graphics, on the following info chart to show the effects of food on climate change. In my opinion food and also clothing are not yet so clearly in peoples mind on having major effects on the global warming.
Cotton production as well as especially farming industry have a major part in our nowadays CO2 emission. For example 44% of the whole CO2 emission in Germany is caused by producing animal based nutrition! I will include here a chart from - Beratungsbüro für ErnährungsÖkologie.

I collected at "bfeoe" all the data for the full shopping climate chart I created. It provides you with an overview on healthy diets which are good for you and the environment.
Feel free to download here: Climate Chart

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