Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

'Make the people make'

at Kamppi (image by Siivuous Päivä)
Does making result in a closer product-attachment and through that has the impact of changing peoples attitude and behavior towards their shopping habits? This is one of the main questions I wish to follow up during my thesis research. As I mentioned before, the general feedback of the Make{able} - capable of being made (def. by the dictionary) - workshop was extremely positive, and in the hype of making, the participants were sure they will change their perception and attitude towards clothes. But how to keep up the image and feeling in ones mind for a longer time and in the bigger scale it is of course not only trying to change the attitude towards clothes, fashion and the service provided by the clothing industry, but make the customers aware of each story behind the things they purchase. Most of us, have lost the knowledge and skill to evaluate the amount of work, and resources used during the process of making the items, which are so easily and cheaply available in the next by store.
Is there a way to constantly keep the issue up, rise awareness and at the same time actually provide the opportunity of making things by oneself. If thinking now only on clothing, skills, tools and material needs to be provided, as well as the space. But it is not a Mission impossible in my eyes.

balloon kinda skrit
Like mentioned before we are just in the time were the making-culture is on its way back, just spotted yesterday in Helsinki an amazing sewing-workshop outdoors in lovely sunny weather. It seems the city and its inhabitants are willing and interested to gain back places and skills for making things themselves. The spirit of the place was the same inspiring as on the workshop I was organizing on the weekend. To see and feel people gathering, making and helping each other within a nice setting is just the best thing to end a busy working day for example. Through exchange among the participants and workshop leaders lovely items of recycled fabric were made. I think its not only about sewing, that it brings up that feeling of understanding and change of attitude, whichever way or material will be used, the making together can be one of the facilitators that bring the change. And that is what we as designers should keep in mind. Involve the future user in that process as much as possible. I of course had to participate a bit myself, and made a multi-functional skirt/top for the summer as well as a little shirt.
as a small dress or top.

shirt kinda thing.
The event was related to the upcoming  Siivuous Päivä. "Cleaning Day will convert cities into giant flea markets on Saturday 12th of May. Anyone can sell or donate their furniture, clothes, gadgets and more, right on the street, and shop new ones from their neighbors. During this neat day one can also sell anything self-made."

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