Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012

Fashion for activating the consumer.

SANS is one business example among others, like 'DIY couture' that are starting to shift and rethink the currently existing system of fashion. Their approach is supporting the thought of opening up the closed circles of ready made clothing, towards including the user within the process and making. It positions the consumer in a mindset of understanding and involvement, which means to go a major step towards a slower and more sustainable fashion industry.
SANS collection - image from
Lika Volkova, co-founder and designer at SANS points out in a video ( that she does not consider the brand as an eco-brand in itself, questioning if any clothing brand at all can call themselves eco, as in general their aim still is production and sales of garments no matter if they are made with organic fabric, or recycled materials. It still means new circles which use resources for production, transport, storage etc. The label offers downloadable fashion patterns, which are good to understand with the help of nice illustrations. They offer plenty of freedom to add details and change the design by the maker.
The idea is staying the same, wether it is extravagant fashion or everyday garments. In my opinion, the vision L. Volkova is pointing out in the video is interesting - she wants to see exciting fashion on the streets made by people - but the other side of it might be that people get easier fed up with the garment. As in general classics, are considered as the most longer-lasting products over all. But the idea - what you create yourself, has stronger meaning to yourself - definitively supports my thesis research as well. 
Multiwear Jacket by SANS - image

I very much like their multifunctional jacket, which can be downloaded at their website. ( This approach might be more for the persons, which are already confident with sewing in one way or another, therefore I think the Half-way product I m working with is the first step, and downloadable patterns, depending on their detailed explanation are a second step towards a self made wardrobe. At least this is what I could so far conclude based on my research in the workshops. 
Further downloadable patterns you can find on DIY couture ( 
Summer Collection DIY couture - image

Rosie Martin, a UK based Fashion designer approaches the matter of changing the fashion industry to a slower functioning with the vision of inspiring the people with her 'how-to' booklets. She offers booklets for each garment, that is part of a bigger easy to achieve collection based on classic pieces, that can be reinvented over and over again. The approach is great, as her technique is very easy to understand and follow with the detailed photography supported illustrations.

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